Last weekend, we attended Planet Bluegrass's annual Folks Festival in Lyons, CO, a small town on the way to Estes Park. What a gorgeous day we had with cool weather and awesome music. We danced, enjoyed the canyon views and reveled in a family day, Colorado style. Nevi's first music festival... she expressed a lot of curiosity and intrigue in the both the music and the passers by. She seems to enjoy herself anytime we're outside and surrounded by people. By the way, whoever gave us this adorable yellow crocheted bonnet, thank you! I think it's about the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
Last Sunday, we headed to Eldorado Springs for a family swim and picnic adventure. The water was VERY cold (it is a cold springs, as opposed to a hot springs) so Nevi didn't care for the swimming part but we still enjoyed some outside time in the beautiful canyon of Eldorado. The scenery there is breathtaking, with pine trees and rock cliffs and a steam that Nevi fell asleep listening to. Robb, Nevi and I also had our own little ceremony in the natural spring water, blessing Nevi and asking for spiritual guidance in showing her a path to GOD,aChrisening,ifyouwill.
Itwasaninformaloccasion,butitfeltrightforourfamily, drawing the spirit deeper inside us while weexperience the joys and challengesofparenthood.
Neviah just started enjoying rice cereal around her 5 month birthday, the first of many yummy semisolid foods she will experience from here... Those who have witnessed her amazing tongue action first hand can probably guess the humor that accompanies her new eating activity. What a riot! She is becoming a pro with actually swallowing the cereal now instead of just pushing it back out of her mouth. I imagine we'll stick with cereal for a few more weeks, then start introducing other menu items, one by one. ALSO, NEVIAH IS ROLLING OVER ON HER OWN! She dislikes being on her belly so much that she's developed a maneuver to get onto her back from the stomach lying position. She can do it physically unassisted but verbally coached. YEAH NEVI! I am one proud mama. Lastly, her vocalizations have gone from cute little dinosaur noises to full blown yelling and screaming matches,sometimesoutoffrustrationbutalsoinjest. We just can't find a volumebuttonanywhere on this baby! Rollin' with the punches.....