Monday, January 12, 2009

Yoga at 32 weeks

I'm still attempting yoga as often as I can. It's definitely more challenging but seems to help me focus on deep breathing/relaxing, connecting with our growing baby and making more room in my abdomen, which is feeling pretty crowded these days.

The little one is growing 1/2 pound a week at this point and may potentially double in weight between now and the birth! She is as active as ever and keeps me on my toes with her little movements and developing personality.

One more birthing class left in the 12 week series.... It has been very informative and preparatory (but we're ready to have our Sunday nights back!). One of the other couples in our class already gave birth last week! It's so exciting to think that she will be here is a matter of weeks!

Week 32 - Baby Shower!

Kate's sister, Kristin, organized a lovely baby shower that was held on 1/10/09. (The pictures are complimentary of Sandy Robinson.) As we gathered, we played games, shared stories, and enjoyed the company of both old friends and new friends, earth mothers, pet mothers and baby mothers. The gifts given were all extremely thoughtful and will be helpful as we prepare for our baby's arrival. Thanks to everyone who participated in this event, as your support and generosity make this process more fun and love-filled.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Week 31

The baby quilt is finally finished! Machine sewn patches but all the 'quilting' is hand embroidered. Quilters across the land officially have my full respect. Can't wait to see our little one wrapped up in it ~ many, many hours of love & labor poured into this project!
At the last doctors appointment, her heart beat was 150 beats per minute, a sound that resonates in my soul everytime I hear it!
Our nursery is coming along nicely, thanks to our parents who have gifted us generously with furniture and decor. We also have an incredible supply of baby clothes and blankets, thanks to our siblings. Robb assembled the crib and installed the new window shades.
It truly takes a village to prepare for a family.