Sunday, July 11, 2010
Marathon Training Thoughts....
Breckenridge, Colorado. Heaven on Earth!
The greatest thing about it was to have our kids with us to enjoy this small 'peace' of heaven. And no, we are not pregnant again. We speak of Nevi and Dylan, the two greatest little beings there are.
We stayed at a place called 'The Lodge and Spa at Breckenridge', which Robb scored on Human-friendly, dog-friendly and view-friendly, it exceeded our expectations in almost every way. The picture of the Lodge (below) says it all. It is situated near the top of a ridge, with breathtaking views on three sides. The fourth side wasn't bad either. Although we didn't take advantage of the discount on spa services they offered, it was a fantastic weekend physically as well as visually. We ate, we slept, we hiked and spent a little time each night in the hot tub...thank GOD for baby monitors. The town of Breckenridge was fun to wander and cool to experience from the FREE Gondola ride that allowed both 16 month old human and 10 year old dog, passing over Cucumber Gulch Wetlands on the way to Breckenridge Ski Area, elevation 12, 998. Our parking place was good enough for a tour of the main drag, Main Street, where Dylan was beckoned into stores by friendly and complimentary shop owners. We even received welcome dog training tips. Saw our friend, Cat, unexpectedly, ate great food and even had time for Nevi to dip her feet in at a stop along the Riverwalk. Feels great to be home.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Trip to Rockford
To begin this trip, Nevi, Robb and I were out the door at 4:40am Friday morning on June 25th (planned on leaving at 4:30am but running a little late) to catch our 6:30am flight. It was a smooth drive to the airport until we arrived at our park-n-ride, where we were held up significantly by a VERY slow shuttle ride to the terminal. At this point, we had 50 minutes still to check baggage and go through security. We stood in line to check our bags for 8 minutes only to find out that bags must be checked 45 minutes prior to departure and we had missed our window by 3 minutes. So, we stood there in shock as they told us we couldn't board (plane still not leaving the airport for another 43 minutes). The next flight that had seats available was the NEXT morning, same time. Soooo, we did the same thing all over again on Saturday morning, only we left the house at 4:15am on the nose. By the time we actually landed in Chicago, we had Saturday afternoon and Sunday to hang with mom, Gavin and Ella. Kristin and Keith were unable to get off work so they dropped the kids off so the cousins could play. VERY nice of them to do this. Our flight back to Denver left OHare at 7:20am Monday morning, so we left Rockford, once again, at 4something in the morning, arrived back home feeling pretty beat and bruised.
By the time we got home and settled, Robb was off to work and Nevi had 102 degree fever. She was fire hot with goose bumps all over. I called our pediatrician and did what they said (Tylenol and tepid bath) and put her down for the night at 6pm. By morning, her fever was gone and I could see how happy she was to be home. I think the early mornings and missing hours of sleep really took its toll on all of us.
TEETHING: Today, July 5th, Nevi is doing well. She has been teething for the last few days, which is obvious by Nevi's lack of contentedness. Her bottom left molar is pushing through the gums. If it is anything as painful as it looks, she is being a trooper, considering. But she is sleeping more and 'not quite herself' as this tooth comes in. Her molars on the the other side have already come in.
EATING CHANGES: Up until 3 days ago, Nevi has eaten anything we offer her. Suddenly and completely out of nowhere, Nevi has decided to be a little more picky about what she will eat, or more accurately, more picky about what she will keep in her mouth. She will still put most anything IN her mouth, but if she doesn't like the texture or taste of something, she will spit it out. I'm finding that she likes mostly bland foods right now. She is back to getting the 'chills' when food is too seasoned or not a pleasant texture. She did this 'whole-body-chill' thing when she first started solids but hasn't done it now for quite some time. Additionally, she is not eating as much and pushes food away when she's done, or just starts throwing it on the floor. I am happy to see that she recognizes 'full' now, however, we will be working on proper communication via sign language or spoken word to avoid many more carpet stains.

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