Whew! Just uploaded a fresh crop of pictures from the new camera and finished up a lot of little 2010-ending details. Now we're really ready to go with the new year.
Christmas was phenomenal- we felt truly blessed to receive abundant gifts and sharing during the holiday season. Nevi was a Christmas Critter to the Core, often chiming in with "ho ho ho's" and a chorus of "Jingle Bells" when we least expected it. We got to spend the holiday with Ahma & Ahpa (Robb's parents, Jan & Jim), and there was plenty of good cheer to go around. Highlights included The Waterloo, Chuck E Cheese, Monkey Business, lots of swinging and various other outdoor activities, driving around to see the holiday lights on Christmas night, and skiing at Loveland (just Robb & Jim).
After they left, it was a quick lunch with Robb's college fraternity brother Paul, and his wife Hope and daughter Aspen, at the Jeffco (Rocky Mountain Metro) Airport Runway Grill. We got to eat and watch the planes take off with a good view of the mountains!
Then, we got our first good snow of the season a few days ago, and got the kiddo out sledding for the first time. It was a little chillier than what she's used to, but she stuck it out and we laughed a lot going down the hill.
Also, we got a new addition to our family. While Robb & Nevi were running an errand at Office Max last week, they stopped in to PetSmart to look at the fishies and kitties and got blindsided by an adorable feline named "Jack." And even though we've never thought of Kate as a "cat person," it turns out that Jack's little web of magic and love was too much for her to resist. He's spent most of the time since we brought him home yesterday hiding under a bed or behind the couch or the furnace, but he's eaten, and used the litter box, and come out for an occasional nuzzle and purr.
Happy New Year to everybody! We're looking forward to a productive and rewarding 2011!