While maximizing this unbelievably beautiful fall day, we rode bikes and, in Coda's case, drove our convertibles. Also decided to decorate our pumpkins - who knew that using markers, glitter and stickers on our pumpkins would be MORE fun than carving them (the messy factor remains the same however)! Glitter is Nev's favorite right now, along with stickers coming in at a close 2nd best. But crafts in general are by far one of Nevi's favorite activities. Her attention span and attention to detail are growing, making art projects way more fun and more elaborate. Coda likes to touch everything right now and explore through his hands. He is teething something fierce right now so his freezer toys being used everyday. His gums looks so swollen that I can't even tell which teeth are coming in, definitely his top right and possibly even some more on his bottom. LOTS of hugs for Coda right now.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bike/Trailer Excursion
Just wanted to share a sweet story about this adventure. We packed up the bike trailor for a 12 mile (round trip) bike trip to Rock Creek Pumpkin Farm. The trip there was smooth sailing. We had a nice picnic under a shaded tent and saw some fun farm animals, climbed on hay bails, etc. Robb had to jet early to get back for a client so the kids and I adventured back alone. We were pushing nap time slightly so Coda was tired and probably not too excited about getting back in the bumpy trailer ride for yet another 6 mile trek. Anyway, he was fussy and crying. I got them as comfy as possibly and started biking, hoping that the trip would soothe him, as car rides often do. He fussed for about 3 minutes then suddently stopped. I looked back and saw Nevi putting her arm around him and singing to him. She sang 'This Old Man' to him over and over for the entire 6 miles home and before I knew it, Coda was fast asleep in her lap. She kept holding him and singing to him no matter, one arm around his body and the another hand on his cheek. It was the most precious thing I'd ever seen. Ahma taught Nevi this song and it has been her fav ever since! To top it off, as I was unloading the kiddos at home, I noticed that the picnic cooler that was in the back of the trailer had a corner that was pointing right into Nevi's back. When I asked her about it she just said nonchalantly that it sticking her back the whole ride home but that she just wanted Coda to be quiet and comfy. The sacrifices a big sister makes! I have never been prouder of my sweet girl!!!!
Coda's Quantum Leaps
Coda's done some pretty spectacular stuff in terms of development lately and it seems to have happened almost overnight. He started crawling on 10/17/2012 and only days before that he was up on all 4's, rocking and swaying, trying to find his balance and weight distribution. He weighs close to 18 pounds now and has 2 teeth in on the bottom. I see his top teeth coming in VERY soon now, too. Actually, I see lots and lots of swelling in his gums so I wouldn't be surprised if he started teeth in large clumps, as they usually do. He has had one REALLY tough night in terms of teething pain but other than this, he has been a trooper. He absolutely LOVES to play ball right now. Also I put him in his 'car' today as we walked (Nevi rode her bike) down to the park. He held himself up pretty, holding onto the steering wheel as I pushed (to clarify, it is our green plastic car with push handle. Didn't use it a whole lot with Nevi since she wanted to walk everywhere but Coda seems pretty comfy in the driver seat.) Oh yeah, and Coda LOVES to read books. We have all sorts of textural and animal books - he gets very engaged in them, seems to study them with great concentration. He loves to turn the pages and touch the tabs and 'feely things'. 
Thursday, October 11, 2012
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