NEVIAH: Nevi has decided just recently she would rather be called Neviah, than Nevi. So, Neviah it is! I prefer that name anyhow. Neviah just had her 4 year old doc visit (a week or so ago) and I was SO proud of her... Coda was requiring lots of my attention at this doc visit (getting his one year old molars in right now and very unhappy about it) and Nev just got up right up on the exam table and pretty much did her own 4 year old checkup, answered all of the doc's questions, let the doc poke her and probe her with no fuss. She was SO brave and so adult-like. She even had her first vision and hearing test and scored perfectly, followed every instruction like a champ - knew all of her letters for the vision, covering one eye at a time and raising the appropriate arm to indicate she heard the beep for the hearing test. She's really growing up right now and it's completely amazing to witness. On a sour note: she is really into 'Look at me' and 'Watch this' right now and will say these phrases over and over again when doing pretty much anything, fascinating or not. Attention is something she has always loved and I think that sharing my attention with her brother sometimes weighs on her. I am doing my very best to find the right balance between giving her the love and fulfillment and attention she needs and sometimes telling her that my attention is directed elsewhere for the time being. Independent play is still not Neviah's favorite thing, but we're working on it. On a positive note: she LOVES going on adventures, as I do. Recently, we went to an OPEN HOUSE for the new Jax Farm/Ranch store here in Lafayette. They had mini-cows, alpaca (which Nevi got to feed), a horse, a saddled horse statue which was very high up and pretty cool actually, train rides, and free hotdogs and popsicles. It was a hoot and Coda, Neviah and I all had a blast! Each day that passes, I see more and more of how Nevi is growing and developing and I know that alot of this has to do with her growing in age but I definitley think that being a big sister has given her the chance to learn empathy, patience and responsibility. I genuinely believe that having Coda was not only an intrinsic gift, but helped the whole family to feel balanced and has been intrigal in Nevi's maturation.
CODA: So much going on with Coda right now too - he's starting to understand a lot and points to everything, wanting to know the thing's name etc, but sometimes he just points to anything/nothing and Robb and I sometimes wonder if he even knows what he wants when he points. He still just says 'dit' and 'dat' most of the time but he communicates in his own little way and we seem to almost always know what he wants just by him showing us. It's pretty cool. He's still completely obsessed with balls and recently, in the height of his teething, held onto one golf ball in each hand almost all day, even napped with them, I think for comfort, since he wasn't/isn't feeling well. Robb was worried that his little hands would be sore from holding onto the balls for SO long. Even drank/held his bottle with the balls in hand. It reminded me of when Nevi wouldn't take off her bike helmet the entire morning of her first/second day-ish of Kiddie Kopia and she was a sweaty-haired mess when she got home. A comfort thing. Coda also recently found fascination in my collection on wine corks, which I keep in the top basket my hanging fruit holder. He can hold 2 corks in each hand and absolutely loves them right now. He's walking like a champ and is really trying to dribble a basketball - he can dribble a few times already before his reflexes slow down. He seems to have a fussy period most every day but (just like when he was a baby) it seems to be redirected if we change the scenery - like change floors of the house or go outside. He loves to be outside, just like Nev and I but not too fond of the snow, which is quite prevelent right now, unfortunately. He's a total daddy's boy and seems to like when Robb holds him, I think because he's so high up. But he also gives my lots of hugs and finds comfort in me most times as well, which is nice. He LOVES brushing his teeth and aboslutely cannot sleep without his blue doggie blanky. Coda's got a blanky and Nev has her thumb. It's cool how we each have our own comforts in life.
DYLAN: We're trying to take lots of pictures with Dylan lately as I think Dylan is at the beginning of the end. Neviah LOVES and protects Dylan and Coda also likes petting him and watching him - so it's going to be a sad day when Dylan's time is up. He's a big reason why Neviah loves animals so much (she's really into ants right now) and he keep us active and focused, too. Neviah understands that he's getting old and she is very gentle with him and tells everyone else to be gentle with him, too, yet she she doesn't hesitate to tie him up to trees or playground equipment with his leash. She likes pretending he's a horse. And Dylan is SO tolerant - no, he doens't seem to particularly enjoy the kids, but he certainly does tolerate them very well and also seems to have accepted them as family. He spends most of his time under the dining room table or in his 'fav spot' in the hallway by the front door. Dylan really is one of the greatest dogs....