Yesterday, we had the distinct pleasure of hosting the reunion for all the babies in our birth class. Of the 7 couples that gave birth between 2 and 5 months ago, Nevi was the only girl. She is pictured in the center of the couch. We had a great time catching up and hearing each others' birth stories, and of course, meeting all the little munchkins.
A couple weeks ago, Kate took Nevi back to Rockford for the weekend and had lots of fun with family and friends. We'll post more of those pictures when they're available.
Now it's Day 2 of Kate back to work, and I'm being the stay-at-home-dad from 7-2:30 Monday-Thursday. Nevi is re-learning the skill and importance of bottle feeding, and helping me get some of my computer work done even as we speak. Our daily routine includes a ≈1.5 hr morning nap, two bottles, singing practice, abundant play time, some tummy time, and walking Sadie next door before I head to work at 3:00.
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