Nevi's second trip in an airplane. Note to self: Do not book flights around bedtime in the future. It wasn't terrible but we were all exhausted when we finally arrived to Anderson at 1:45 in the MORNING! Nevi really quite a trooper. After some much needed rest the next day, we were able to settle in and have a blast with Nana and PopPop and the rest of the crew. 5 days of relaxing with family and friends. This was Robb's 20 year high school reunion weekend so there many festivities for us to partake in, allowing Robb to catch up with old friends and giving us a chance to share Nevi with some pretty important folks. I had my first eye doctor appointment ever and it was with Uncle Jim...still perfect vision,pphheeww.AndRobbgotthechancetorunwithsomeoldtrackbuddies. Quite the weekend.
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