Friday, February 5, 2010


It's so interesting watching Nevi 'just be Nevi' day to day. She'll look the same for a period of time, then out of nowhere, she'll wake up one morning and look different. Something about her has changed. The shape of her face will have changed or her hair will be go wild (which is becoming the common theme), or her eyes will darken. Some days she looks slender and other days she chubs out!
Her personality changes too, and she'll sway from clingy and teary and whiney to fun and independent and outgoing. She gives lots of hugs everyday. It's great! She even hugged our little baby friend, Teddy when we saw him a few weeks ago. Her hugs are magical and make you melt.
I notice that she sleeps more when peaking a developmental milestone of sorts. She still naps twice a day. We made a recent, gradual attempt to get to one longer nap daily but it was a bust (the books say to start doing this and she was showing signs of needing less daytime sleep but when we started the change, she let us know that she's not ready yet). OK by us. Nevi still really likes her morning snooze and we want her to be comfortable and happy.
She now has two bottom teeth coming in and her top 2 teeth also just broke the skin....must be catching up.
Most days out here in Colorado are pretty nice so we make sure we get outside time when ever we can; we play in the grass, with the leaves and rocks and Nevi really likes to go down to the park. She has an absolute giggle-fest when she sits on my lap on the swings. We also use the stroller several times per week so I can get some exercise and she can get some fresh air and change of scenery. Win win.
Tomorrow, Nevi will be 11 months old. Unreal.

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