The UPSIDE picture is not upside down in my computer picture file but for some reason appears this way in the blog. I had to include it anyway because this is Nevi's newest favorite activity. Robb has a few large tupperware/rubbermaid containers stowed away under our bakers rack that he uses to ice his hands after long days of giving deep tissue massage to prevent inflammation in his aching arms. Nevi has discovered them and thinks they are the best seats in the house. She has even initiated 'independent play' with them by bringing over little animals from her farm set and balls from other toys and playing with them on top of these containers. It is darling to watch. She also pushes these containers around the 'circle' main floor of our house, like she's racing cars. Up until pretty recently, Nevi has relied on us to initiate most of her play so it's really neat to see her trying it out on her own.
Just today, Robb and Nevi went to their first Rockies games of the season! They were both unbelievably happy and full of excited energy when they got home, fuming of sunscreen and sweat. Ahhhh, the glorious smells of summer. Wish I could've been there. Apparently Nevi had little interest in sitting down to watch the game (not surprising or unusual for a curious toddler), but they had a great time walking around, exploring, and playing in the children's playground. It was a perfect spring day here in Colorado, perfect for a ball game.
LASTLY, it is hard to believe but today is the day, 4/28 4 years ago, that Nevi's Grandpa Bob passed away... it also happened to be his birthday so a powerful day it will always be. The funeral home made a video for us featuring our favorite photographs of dad/grandpa and I played it for Nevi tonight, hoping that if I show her pictures often enough, she will at least recognize Grandpa Bob, even though she never had the chance to meet him. I'm sure he would have adored her adventurous spirit and her love for the outdoors.