Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mother's Day Weekend
Sunday, Mother's Day was spent at a beautiful park in Louisville, a hop skip and jump away from home. Robb packed a picnic lunch and we explored the acres of land, pond, trails and of course, swings - Nevi's favorite. It's hard to get her off of them, actually. Her favorite sign in sign language is MORE and she frantically signs MORE when you attempt to get her out of the swing. All around, a very relaxing and very fun weekend.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 2010
Our friends, Ron and Irene, from Barbershop, had us up for brunch last weekend (Platteville, CO) and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Nev had a great time playing with their dog, Jasmine (and spilling orange juice on their white carpet :(). She made a great connection with Irene, who is great with kiddos - she kept running up to Irene and burying her head in Irene's lap. It amazing to see Nevi trust and love new spirits that come into her life. Irene is the wonderful woman who made Nevi's Christening gown. Very talented soul.
Finally, Robb ran his May race in Denver, conveniently enough at Coors Field, where our Colorado Rockies play ball. The race ended in the field so Nev and I rushed from the streets of Denver (where we happened to run into Dinger, the Rockies Mascot at the race start) into the field to see Robb run the final leg of this 5K ON the field! Robb came in 1st place in his age group so we didn't have to wait long. I had to capture Nevi pushing her stroller on this blog because I stood in awe of her that day - she pushed that stroller all the way from the parking lot to the stadium! What a fierce little girl! She was so exhausted that she fell asleep in the car on the drive back to Lafayette and when we got home, she still didn't wake up as I carried her up to bed. Nevi is an incredibly light sleeper so it is very unusual to actually SEE her sleeping and be able to carry her sweet little sleeping self in my arms. A precious moment for mommy.

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