Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

The eve of Mother's Day was spent with some good friends here at the house, where we broke bread together and caught up on each other's lives. Adam doesn't actually eat bread (Iron Man Triathlete) but ate most of the other offerings. He has been working from afar but is back for the summer, back to his busy wife, Sarah, who is completing her PhD here at CU. Sarah is training for a Century ride, a 100 mile bike ride through the Rocky mountains and then some. Robb married them last summer, 4th of July.
Sunday, Mother's Day was spent at a beautiful park in Louisville, a hop skip and jump away from home. Robb packed a picnic lunch and we explored the acres of land, pond, trails and of course, swings - Nevi's favorite. It's hard to get her off of them, actually. Her favorite sign in sign language is MORE and she frantically signs MORE when you attempt to get her out of the swing. All around, a very relaxing and very fun weekend.

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