Jumpin' Jordy's
Robb and Nevi went to a Jumpin Castle kiddo place a week or so ago and had themselves a hoppin' good time. Nevi LOVES to jump! She is getting her last molar in now and it is quite apparent that it's causing her some pain. This will be her 11th tooth! Her language ability is improving and expanding everyday and now she's putting words together to form understandable fragment sentences. She LOVES planes and birdies that fly in the sky and can even identify a hawk as it soars above. She knows most of her farm animals and the sounds they make. Can count to 14 (with some help). Went to her first swim lessons this summer at the Y. Bonded with all of her Grandparents this summer during their visits. Feeds her dog, Dylan. Walks Dylan with the leash most nights before bedtime. LOVES cheese, eggs, yogurt, bread/cereal, oatmeal, noodles, avocado, raisins, tofu, tempeh, pizza, all fruits, most veggies, some meat if it's tender. DOES NOT like white potatoes made in any fashion, mushrooms, chocolate, ice cream, or fish. She's a water and milk drinker. She enjoys healthy food and is active as can be. She won't go outside with out a hat and shoes (creature of habit) and will even bring you your shoes when she's ready to hit the grass/trails. She is outgoing and says 'hi' to most people, offering them a high five and a hug to accompany. She kisses her mama's chest/collar bone every night before bedtime....not sure why or how this came to be but it's about as cute as can be. Her 'dark side' shines through at times as evidence by her hitting. But she says 'sorry' and offers a hug now after she hits you, with verbal prompting of course. Now that Nevi understands most all of what we say, communication and connection is so much easier. She does still like to use sign language, and we practice our signs in addition to our spoken words. It's a fun project to learn together. Oh yeah, and one more thing... SHE LOVES ELMO!
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