The subject of this blog is (officially) Neviah K. Seal, and the narration is usually provided by Nevi's mother, Kate. However, in a few occasional instances, her father, Robb (that's me!) takes on the role of storyteller.
I thought it quite appropriate to narrate the blog about my 40th birthday (which was now over a month ago...so timely I am!), and the enjoyable adventures we had that day. Our first activity was to head up to the Coors Event Center on University of Colorado campus, to see the Buffs play Oklahoma State in a basketball showdown. Now, growing up in the basketball mecca of Indiana, I have seen my share of epic crowds, but in all the games I've attended in Boulder, the turnout has been lackluster at best. But take a young, charismatic Colorado Buffaloes team with a lively first-year head coach, coming off two upsets of top 25 teams in a row, and you get the recipe for a sell-out crowd. It was the most exciting game I've seen in over a decade, and we were lucky to even get tickets (a security guard handed us a free pair as we filed in, compliments of a season-ticket holder who had two extra)...happy birthday to ME! Nevi and Kate had hoped to make it til halftime, but the energy of the crowd and the energy of the kiddo were just too much. They hopped in their car after buying me a couple hot dogs, and I scooted home by bus after a thrilling, come-from-behind 75-71 victory!
Next step was the Steelers game, which we had planned to watch at Old Louisville Inn. Nevi had a great nap, and we headed off for a 4:00 Happy Hour. As we walked in to the main part of the restaurant, Kate mentioned "not a whole lot of people in here..." which made me a little suspicious. As we descended the stairway to the private room in back, I was greeted with the shouts and "Happy Birthday's" of 30+ of my closest friends. Kate had thrown me a surprise party! I had many awesome conversations, Nevi had lots of friends to play with and the Steelers had a dramatic, come-from-behind playoff victory over Baltimore.
Keeping the night alive after Kate & Nevi went home, I went out for Karaoke at Dillinger's (my neighborhood pub), with Ron & Chad, where the Packer's were putting the final touches on their blowout victory over Atlanta. Ron & I then ended up at Chrispy's band's rehearsal till the wee hours of the morning, and I found out later that the Hoosiers won, too. Sports: 4 for 4, and the best birthday of my entire life! (so far)
Thanks to Kate & Nevi for pulling off the amazing surprise, and letting me have a day filled with peace & freedom!