Thursday, February 17, 2011

Potty Training and Barbershop Banquet

I'm not sure if these two subjects go together or not, but they are occurring at approximately the same time, so...
Mommy & Nevi started potty training about 2 weeks ago, and things started off very smoothly. We're now using "Pull-ups" diapers about half the time, and each of the three levels of our home have a potty chair. We'll keep you posted as the results continue to come in.
Also, Our annual Boulder Timberliners Barbershop Banquet was last weekend, and we had a great turnout! Nevi enjoyed running all around A Spice of Life Catering Center in Boulder with Mommy & Daddy, playing ring-around-the-rosie, and dancing up a storm. We, the audience, were treated to the Ponderosa Vigilantes quartet, and the accompaniment of our dancing daughter. In all my years of Barbershop, I don't really recall watching anybody dance to a performance, but the crowd seemed to appreciate the youthful vitality her choreography contributed.

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