Coda's Christening was kind of a last minute event, after Robb & I realized that we did it for Nevi around 6 months (Coda will be 6 mo old this weekend already!). We held it again in our back yard and invited Coda's Godfather, John Cox - a dear friend of Robb's, and he brought his very sweet girlfriend, too. Jan and Jim (Ahma & Ahpa) were also present.
Robb planned a beautiful, short ceremony:
*We all wrote down 2 words/wishes on 2 separate pieces of paper for Coda - then Robb read them aloud after everyone to hear....these were the wishes for Coda: confidence, comfort, cuddles, courage, imagine, humor, the power of play, family, beautiful friendships, strength, memories, respect. We wrote these words down on very small, pretty blue pieces of paper that we will keep/treasure in a keepsake box. Nevi also drew Coda some pretty pictures while we were doing this, which we will add to the keepsake box as well.
*Robb then incorporated all of the Chinese elements into the ceremony: wood, metal, earth, fire and water. We burned sage for cleansing and fire, each took turns sprinkling dirt on the area where we buried Coda's placenta, he offered mandalas and a metal spoon and then of course, John sprinkled water on Coda's head - the only really traditional part of our celebration.
It was sprinkling/raining and thundering throughout the ritual so it felt really cleansing and powerful, close to nature. Robb concluded the ceremony by saying a prayer and we all said a few words and blessings for Coda.
Truly, it was a very sweet and memorable experience. Robb and I really wanted to invite the SPIRIT into their lives early and figure that once they reach an age in which they can decide on their own about their faith, they can be baptized at that point, if this is what they decide. Of course, I continue to be mildly involved in our church CUCC in Boulder and hope to be able to instill GOD's presence into their everyday lives. We invite you all to introduce your beliefs into their lives as well. Since we all have varying beliefs and rituals, I feel this will make our children very well rounded and educated.
Just a side note and interesting event: Coda stopped nursing a few days ago, completely refuses to breastfeed at all anymore without struggle. Since nursing has been such a huge challenge with Coda, my goal was to get to 6 months and I feel I have almost made it. I am still pumping 3x/day and will continue to do this, as we are still transitioning him slowly onto solid foods. Once we get a little more established with his cereals and vegetables/fruits, I will stop all together and feel I have done all I can do in this area. He is a mostly healthy little guy and feel that I have pushed this enough now. We are at the point where I need to let him lead a little and he is telling me that he is done. Time to respect his decision (even though it is an expensive decision).
Love you all and hope to be in touch soon!
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