Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nevi's 2nd Commencement Ceremony from Kiddie Kopia

PopPop came for Nevi's 2nd commencement ceremony from Kiddie Kopia.  It was the usual potluck affair with little tykes learning to speak in a microphone, performing some sign language and singing for all of us admiring moms and dads (and PopPops).  It was also a special commcement because it was Kiddie Kopia's 20th year as a licensed preschool!  Miss Jeanne pulled me over after the performance was done, shaking her head saying... they sing SO loud in rehearsals and bang those drums SO hard when practicing, it's a shame no one can see them without stagefright.  The performance WAS rather tame compared to Jeanne's description of their rehearsals but it was still obvious that everyone had a great time and, of course, it was awesome to see Nevi speak SO articulately and BE the leader that's naturally IN her with such grace.  Nevi has matured SO much in the last year, it's incredible.  I find that MOST days anymore she says something at some point that blows me away... mainly because she's so observant, has an incredible memory and can break down a situation with understanding and nonjudgement better than most adults I know.  I am so proud of Nevi and so intrigued by the little person she is becoming.  She's no-nonsense with a playful spirit and a forgiving heart.  One more year at Kiddie Kopia 2013/2014, then off to kindergarden she goes.  I'm afraid to blink.

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