I never imagined I'd become to kind of mom that says ...'she's growing up too fast!'..... but I totally am. The changes that are taking place at this point in her development are rapid and constant. It's the most incredible thing to witness first hand. Round 1 of our household 'Nevi-proofing' took place several weeks ago and now we're onto Round 2. She can officially get into anything/everything now and has taken a particular interest in Dylan's food and water bowls. Her most independent form of mobility is her 'army style' crawling - still not totally up on her hands and knees yet but scooting places on her elbows, belly and legs. Her favorite thing to do however, is to walk. She reaches for your hands, lifts herself to a standing position and off she goes gripping your fingers with her life and marching with all her might. I've gotta say that I already admire the person that Nevi is becoming. She's outgoing, strong, she loves to laugh, she doesn't scream and cry when she falls but rather gets right back up and keeps on truckin', she has a definite sense of independence, and when she's feeling extremely tired or frustrated a hug tends to solve the problem. Easy enough. Also, Nevi is not afraid of strangers (yet?) but stares long and hard at new people who are holding her, absorbing every angle and facet of the new experience.
About the picture of Nevi with the bucket over her face, Robb said that one day this week while I was at work, she held that bucket there for a LONG time, somehow fascinated by the darkness and resonance. He got a real kick out of it. We'll draw the line with plastic bags, we promise.
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