Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween at the Y

We are regular YMCA goers. They had an AWESOME Halloween party the Monday before Halloween, where Nevi was able to sport her RED Crayon costume for the first time. We had an absolute blast. She jumped in the bouncing castle, won some prizes for throwing balls into the caldrons, picked her own very special cookie off a Christmas tree in the Enchanted Cookie Forest (the ONLY quiet room in the Y meant for little ones just like Nevi - it was magical), and she ate her cookie along with a slice of BlackJack pizza. Just one of the kiddos. We met some great folks there and played really nicely with all of the others. She loved it so much that she wore her Crayon costume almost day this last week and, then again, of course, tonight for the big Trick or Treat adventure. More pictures will follow......

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