Too fun.....
Yes, folks. Robb is eating a deep-fat-fried-TWINKIE at AppleFest. It came smothered in whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate and, of course, came on a stick! I admittingly had one bite, just for the experience and, well, it was pretty darn good. I decided, this trip, to really embrace the mid-west experience and bask in my roots, my heritage. When in Rome...... So, I ate ANYTHING that was offered to me, things that I otherwise would have poo poo'd, things like Biscuits and Gravy, Corned Beef Casserole, Deep Fried Twinkie....the list goes on. And I loved every minute of it. I've gotta hand it to midwesterners.... Ya'all can really cook! For those that know me well, you know that I LOVE whole foods and organic nutrition. It is a bit of a passion for me and something that I can be a bit obsessive about if I'm not careful. This trip really allowed me to open up my world and join in the fun with the locals. Thanks to everyone for your hospitality, awesome food, great conversation and memories. 

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