Coda is often sleeping in our carrier while we're out and about. So we don't have many pictures of him directly on our adventures, though he is there. Coda sleeps for about 11 hours at night and then takes 3, sometimes even 4 naps a day. Naps can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours long. We never really had to do any 'sleep training' with Coda because when we lay him down to bed, he most always falls right to sleep. No cry-it-out methods for him. In fact, he really doens't cry much. He fusses when he's hungry and tired but now that we know what he needs and when, he's pretty much always happy. He plays with toys by batting at them with his hands and tracks objects beautifully with his eyes. He LOVES peek a boo and patty cake and MUSIC in general. When he is awake, he almost always wide eyed and happy! He giggles something fierce and loves to watch Nevi play! He is a great eater, though he seems to prefer the bottle most times. He is easy going and loves to travel, be on the move. Robb and Coda are pretty tight now - Robb even thanked me recently for having such a cool son with him. Coda really is an absolute delight and he has added such a great balance to our life. Yes, it has been an adjustment and yes, there is more to do in a day, but somehow, it doesn't seem any harder (most days that is). I am having so much fun with Coda and Nevi right now that everything else in life seems low on the priority spectrum. 
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