Some updates on Nev: She is getting pretty good at writing her name and we are working on reading a little but every day. She has really come a long way with the help of her preschool, Kiddie Kopia. They focus a lot on art and proper social play. They create a safe environment for her to learn and grow, not only academically but also create program that enhance rich character development. Nev LOVES her teachers and classmates and I could not be more proud of her. Now that Nev is 3 y/o, she lets me know when she's happy, frustrated and upset using effective communication and words. She loves to explore and play and is an amazing big sister. WIthout even being asked, after each meal now she asks if she can be excused, brings her dishes to the counter by the sink and puts her milk (if still full) back into the fridge for later. She is becoming really good at independent play so I can occasionally do things like blog or clean. She loves to cut paper with her scissors (making confetti), use the grue stick, put puzzles together, play doctor and pretend, and she still loves to put stuff in stuff. Many times we will find small marbles or even her shoes INSIDE our shoes. It is very endearing when we find her stuff in special places. And as you can see in this video, Nev is really starting to appreciate and love bugs. We have bug cards that she separates into piles. She always makes a 'like' pile and a 'don't like' pile. The don't like pile is of course bugs that bite or sting. Today we just opened a beautiful organic coconut, drained the cocmut water and are digging for the coconut meat. We are having a blast!
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