Nevi asked that I video tape her eating her peach. Video taping her doing 'things' is becoming a new favorite activity of hers. She absolutely loves to be video taped and then watch herself 'perform'. We did this for an hour yesterday. I am fascinated by this interest of hers and trying to nurture her desire to be 'on camera'. Most people I know absolultely HATE seeing themselves in pictures or videos but not Nev. Maybe she will be a theater major. Lord knows she's got enough personality for it.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Nevi's beloved Friday Babysitter, Stephanie, is a mother of 2. Elisebeth is her oldest. Victoria is her youngest. Both awesome girls. Elisebeth is 20something years old and happens to have 3 horses, one being an 8 week old colt named Charlotte. Stephanie and Elisabeth invited our family to the horse ranch last weekend and we were there will bells on! Victoria was kind enough to ride the horses with Nevi while Elisabeth guided them from the ground. I had Coda in the carrier, as usual. Elisebeth 'shows' her horses and rides them on those obstacle courses (impressed by my horse knowledge?). She is a horse-whisperer of sorts. I am thoroughly impressed that she supports her own expensive interest, owns 3 horses and is only in her 20's. She may be the most 'grounded' girl I know. We had an awesome time - they invited us back any time we want!
Sittin up!
Just in the last few days, Coda has been sitting up for longer and longer periods of time. Today, he sat up for close to 15 minutes unassisted before he toppled over to his side. His back and his core are both really getting strong, in other words, he is becoming less and less of a blob everyday! He is eating twice a day now and his favorite foods so far are rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes, apples, peas. His strong dislikes are bananas and pears. Eating is a real adventure - with every bite I put in his mouth, in goes his hand to follow. I have never seen anything SO MESSY! It's a riot! At first, he was pretty unsure about the whole 'eating' thing but now he actually seems to enjoy it more than drinking his milk! He has definitely displayed preferences with formula - he doesn't like either of the organic brands we have tried but rather prefers Enfamil, of all brands. The organic formula brands really do seem more course and chalky and more diffifult to dissolve in water than the Enfamil. I love that he is becoming his own little person with likes and dislikes already. I am having so much fun witnessing Coda and Nevi's similarities and differences. For example, this wooden bead toy that he is playing with in the pictures NEVER captured Nevi's attention. She had NO interest in this toy. Coda, however, loves it. It is a difinite favorite of his. As mentioned previously, I am learning all about formula with him, too, which I never really had to do with Nevi. She was the 'Nursing Queen'. Coda really likes his bottle. They both experienced infant Eczema, too. Coda's flareups are MUCH worse, though, so we are using herbal remedies, plus just started a prescription topical which makes me a little nervous but seems to be working. Doc said he's got really sensitive skin. We had his 6 month doc visit yesterday. He weighed in at 17 pounds, 13 ounces. He is in the 50-75% for weight and the 75-90% for height. No teething yet. He naps 2 times a day, something even a third if his earlier naps weren't long enough. He LOVES Nevi.... belly laughter galore when they interact. 
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Pearl Street Mile (Half Mile, really)
Nevi ran in her annual Pearl Street Mile race - the kiddos run 1/2 mile. Coda and I cheered her on at the start and finish but Robb ran with her this year. She did great and had a lot of fun! The pictures didn't turn out great of the race but considering I had a baby in my front carrier, a diaper bag around my back, one arm handy to take the pictures and the other to fight through crowds so I could even get to the track to watch, I figure they're good enough. Good thing Nevi was wearing the brightest colored shirt she made spotting her in the crowds MUCH easier....
She finished as the second overall 3-year-old in a time of 5:54. That's almost 3 & 1/2 minutes faster than her time from last year! Results are here: Pearl Street Kids Half-Mile Results by Age
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Ken and Pat's WEDDING photos - they've arrived!
I am so excited to have some of mom and Ken's wedding photos on file now! Thought everyone else would enjoy seeing pictures of the big day, too! Reviewing these photos a month later was so fun - thanks for sending them mom! Ella and Nevi really did a great job as Flower Girls and Gavin was quite the Usher! Everyone looked their best, especially the bride! I'll never forget how Nevi took her time placing flower petals from her basket so very strategically on each step down a three tiered deck. It was really sweet. Such an awesome experience being a part of mom and Ken's wedding and seeing the couple so in love. As I mentioned in the previous blog, the wedding was at mom and Ken's home in their backyard gardens they enjoy so much. It was an exquisite venue and a memorable day. It ended so bittersweetly, as our flight back to Denver was completely cancelled (kind of a pain) but we did get to enjoy one more day in Rockford to relax and unwind. Oh yeah, and Nevi got to enjoy their puppy, Max, for one more day (wink wink).

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