Just in the last few days, Coda has been sitting up for longer and longer periods of time. Today, he sat up for close to 15 minutes unassisted before he toppled over to his side. His back and his core are both really getting strong, in other words, he is becoming less and less of a blob everyday! He is eating twice a day now and his favorite foods so far are rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes, apples, peas. His strong dislikes are bananas and pears. Eating is a real adventure - with every bite I put in his mouth, in goes his hand to follow. I have never seen anything SO MESSY! It's a riot! At first, he was pretty unsure about the whole 'eating' thing but now he actually seems to enjoy it more than drinking his milk! He has definitely displayed preferences with formula - he doesn't like either of the organic brands we have tried but rather prefers Enfamil, of all brands. The organic formula brands really do seem more course and chalky and more diffifult to dissolve in water than the Enfamil. I love that he is becoming his own little person with likes and dislikes already. I am having so much fun witnessing Coda and Nevi's similarities and differences. For example, this wooden bead toy that he is playing with in the pictures NEVER captured Nevi's attention. She had NO interest in this toy. Coda, however, loves it. It is a difinite favorite of his. As mentioned previously, I am learning all about formula with him, too, which I never really had to do with Nevi. She was the 'Nursing Queen'. Coda really likes his bottle. They both experienced infant Eczema, too. Coda's flareups are MUCH worse, though, so we are using herbal remedies, plus just started a prescription topical which makes me a little nervous but seems to be working. Doc said he's got really sensitive skin. We had his 6 month doc visit yesterday. He weighed in at 17 pounds, 13 ounces. He is in the 50-75% for weight and the 75-90% for height. No teething yet. He naps 2 times a day, something even a third if his earlier naps weren't long enough. He LOVES Nevi.... belly laughter galore when they interact. 
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