Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Gatherings

We hosted a fun White Elephant Christmas Party with some of our friends from church. Robb introduced me to a little church in south Boulder called Community United Church of Christ (CUCC). It's where his Barbershop chorus practices on Tuesday nights. I liked the services and the community so much that I joined a fellowship circle to get to know some of the members a little better and am SO glad I did. Our circle is filled with intelligent and fun individuals and families, all of whom are very open minded. It's unfortunate but there is only 1 service on Sunday mornings and it is at 10am,right in the middle of Nevi's morning nap. Needless to say, I don't go to church much these days but look forward to attending again regularly when Nevi transitions to one nap each day. Most of these pictures are from that gathering. We fit 14 people in our little place and had a blast!

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