What can I say about Mexico...? I can see why Jan and Jim love it there. The resort they stay've been staying at for the past 14 years has become family to them (who also made us all feel like family as well!). It's clean, culturally impressive and comfortable. Ixtapa was beautiful. Humid, but beautiful. Zihuatanajo was bit more rough but it was good for me to experience the 'third-world' life for an evening. Robb mentioned for me to remind him of Zihuatanajo when he starts complaining about America. Anyway, once I got over the initial heat and sticky skin factor where we arrived, we were able to settle in and relax in peace. Because Nevi is still on a 2 naps a day schedule and would not nap outside (too much stimulation, I'm guessing) Robb, the fam and I took turns going back to the room to let her catch some zzzz's. Jan bought a really cool tent for her to sleep in on the sand but Nevi just wanted to play in it. Too bad for us all. One thing that I have to say is that it was not a Nevi-friendly place. Tile and brick floors/streets means no crawling for Nevi and constant supervision in case she fell on the hard floors, etc. The beach would have been great for crawling/walking if it weren't for Nevi wanting to EAT the sand she played in. Grass was irrigated by 'recycled' water (toilet water) so that wasn't going to work either. She really didn't have much freedom of movement there. I had to help her walk everywhere we went (which is hard on the ol' back since she still needs my hands) or carry her because there are stairs EVERYWHERE! Anyway, we have a lot of great memories and lessons learned form this trip so we're very glad to have had this opportunity to be with family in this unique setting. But I must say, by the end, I was ready for a PB & J and a Guiness! Mexican food, beer and music had lost it's appeal. We arrived home at 1:00am on Sunday morning due to delays in both Ixtapa and Houston ... our bed never felt so good. Oh yeah, and Nevi came home with a cold, hopefully not a flu.

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