Sunday, December 6, 2009

Snow & Pumpkin Pie!

Just a few photos from Nevi's first Thanksgiving... We opted for a smaller gathering this year with some of our closest friends; Carri, Jim and Sandy, family really. Robb cooked up a 16 pound turkey for 5 of us (3 of us actually since Carri and Sandy are vegetarians!). Needless to say, we have turkey for months in the freezer, plus the soup that Robb ambitiously created before leaving for Mexico. It was the most relaxed, delicious, and love-filled get-to-gether we'd had in a while. And of course, Nevi LOVED pumpkin pie! Couldn't get enough. But who can blame her, deeeelish!
The last two photos are of Nevi peeking out the back door during one of our first snows here in CO earlier in November. She enjoys standing at the door, banging away on the glass, inevitably scaring all of the birds and squirrels away for blocks. We continue to work on being gentle but it doesn't seem to be sinking in quite yet.

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